School’s out, and the kids are bored. That’s not necessarily a bad thing.

By Genaro C. Armas, American Heart Association News

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那是夏天,孩子们放学回家,有一天他们走进厨房说, "I'm bored!"

对于父母来说,第一反应可能是给孩子找点事做. Go play outside. Clean your room. Work on an art project.

But, experts say, 不要低估让孩子自己决定如何占用沙巴足球体育平台的价值.

"Let them feel bored. And let them try out ways to reduce it, because that's how we learn to manage any of our emotions, including boredom," said Dr. Erin Westgate, 他是佛罗里达大学盖恩斯维尔分校的心理学助理教授,也是佛罗里达社会认知和情感实验室的主任.

A 2023 Frontiers in Sociology study 将无聊定义为一种“以缺乏兴趣、刺激或挑战为特征的精神状态”. 它是一种主观体验,可以以多种方式表现出来, including restlessness, apathy, and disinterest." Boredom can affect mental health, cognition and behavior, and has links to depression, anxiety, impulsiveness and increased risk-taking.

人们如何体验无聊会以不同的方式表现出来,并因情况而异, Westgate said, just like how some people may express happiness, sadness or other feelings differently.

一般来说,精神、身体和心灵之间存在着一种相互联系 2021 American Heart Association report, 这篇文章提到了心理健康的重要性,认为心理健康是幸福的一个组成部分, or are at risk for, cardiovascular disease.

Boredom is different from relaxation. 一个人觉得放松的事情通常涉及一项仍然能刺激大脑的活动, such as riding a bike, gardening or reading a book, said Dr. Michael Rich, 她是波士顿儿童医院数字健康实验室的主任和创始人,也是哈佛医学院儿科副教授.

Boredom may still have a couple physical benefits. For instance, Rich said, 晚上感到无聊的人可能会更容易入睡,睡得更多. 充足睡眠的好处包括改善心脏健康和降低患慢性病的风险, such as heart disease and high blood pressure, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

里奇特别热衷于从发展的角度来看,无聊时刻给孩子带来的好处, and the potential to spark creativity and free play. 这样的游戏可以为孩子们提供解决问题或创造性思考的沙巴足球体育平台——随着年龄的增长,这些技能变得至关重要, said Rich, 谁最近写了一本关于在数字时代养育孩子的书.

游戏对发展至关重要,因为它“有助于认知, physical, social and emotional well-being of children and youth,“同时也为父母提供了与孩子充分接触的机会, according to a 2007 report from the American Academy of Pediatrics.

人们应该拥抱“无聊时刻”,把它当作一份礼物,让你现在不必做任何其他事情," Rich said, "and use that gift … in ways that enrich us, even if it's daydreaming or just being silly."

For parents, 缓解孩子无聊的一个办法是给他们订好沙巴足球体育平台表,完全占用他们的沙巴足球体育平台. 但这也意味着孩子们可能永远不会感到无聊,他们可以做些什么, Westgate said.

Instead, she said, 父母或看护人的一个策略是提前和孩子谈论他们在无聊的时候可能喜欢的活动. 这是一个教育孩子如何自我调节自己情绪的机会, 类似于父母如何教孩子在半夜醒来时安抚自己重新入睡.

"Boredom isn't bad. It's just feedback. 就像疼痛一样,它不一定是令人愉快的反馈,”韦斯特盖特说. "But it's still really important, 有用的信息给我们提供了一种采取行动的工具它告诉我们, 'Hey, this is wrong, and this is an opportunity to fix it and feel better.'"

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